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28.09.2021 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Monthly indices by CPA in the domestic for export and excise duties in total (domestic and particularly the excise duty) ...
28.04.2021 | Statistical Office of the SR | quarterly | Publication - Data overview | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Price indices of construction works in the SR by CPA, Classification of types of Construction, production indices and producer prices ...
28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Monthly producer price indices of agricultural products, their aggregates, agricultural prices in the Slovak Republics by regions.
28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Monthly indices by CPA in the domestic for export and excise duties in total (domestic and particularly the excise duty)...
28.08.2015 | Statistical Office of the SR | Publication - Data overview | monthly | Consumer prices and prices of production statistics
Quarterly price indices of construction works in the SR by CPA, Classification of types of Construction, production indices and producer prices...