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tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
Organizational statistics provides a review of the organizational structure of the Slovak economy.
The data source of organisational statistics is the Business Register administrated by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (SOSR) according to Act No 540/2001 on state statistics.
In the Business Register are registered legal persons and natural persons - entrepreneurs on the basis of data obtained by SOSR in compliance with the act on state statistics and other special acts. The Register is used for statistical purposes and the registered data have informative character.
The main principles of Business Register daily updates relate to compulsory business registration systems administrated by state institutions (ministries or other government bodies) which are responsible for the primary registration of legal persons and natural persons - entrepreneurs. These state institutions are obligated to provide the SO SR with basic information on these subjects. This is a legal obligation.
With the aim of distinguishing of subjects registered in the Business Register, the unique identification number (IČO) is used. Identification numbers are generated and provided by SOSR. They are assigned to all legal persons and natural persons by state institutions within the primary registration procedure (for instance: Register courts managed by Ministry of Justice assign IČO to public business associations, Ministry of Interior assigns IČO to natural persons - entrepreneurs, to non-investment funds, non-profit institutions, political parties, and civil associations).
According to the state statistics act, part of Business Register data are public and therefore they can be provided to individuals or businesses on the basis of an agreed price.