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Statistical Office SR
Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries
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Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries

19.11.2021 | | Number of views: 82355

Crop production

The level of agriculture production is given per area from the register of sown areas. The level of agriculture production per capita is calculated on the mid-year population at the current year.

Oil plants group includes all oil plants except for flax and hemp seed.

Animal production

Sales data covers sales of incorporated agricultural enterprises and selected self-employed farmers with reporting duty. Data on sales of all products are surveyed for a calendar year.

The level of agriculture production and livestock is given per area from the register of sown areas. The level of agriculture production per capita is calculated on the mid-year population at the current year. Total slaughtered animals includes the production of slaughtered cattle, calves, pigs, sheep, goats and horses.

Livestock unit is defined as the weight of 500 kilograms for which individual farming animal species and their categories are recalculated.

Economic account for agriculture

The agricultural industry is treated as a grouping of all KAUs (kind-of-activity units) at the local level which perform the following economic activities:

  • crop growing, market gardening, horticulture
  • farming of animals
  • crop production associated with animal husbandry
  • agricultural contract work
  • hunting, trapping and game propagation, including related service activities.

The use of the local KAU as the basic unit for the agricultural industry requires non-agricultural secondary activities recording in cases when they cannot be distinguished from main agricultural activities.

Economic Accounts for Agriculture are based on the industry concept. Current transaction accounts are the following:

  • production account
  • generation of income account
  • entrepreneurial income account
  • capital account.

Production accounts cover the transactions relating to the production process. It includes output under Resources and intermediate consumption under Uses. Value added, i.e. the balancing item, can be calculated either before consumption of fixed capital (gross value added), or after consumption of fixed capital (net value added).

Formation of income accounts represent the formation of branch income resulting from the production process (net value added) and its attribution to the labour production factor (compensation of employees) and general government ( in the form of taxes and subsidies).

Entrepreneurial income accounts enables measurement of income which is similar to the concept of current profit before distribution and taxes on income, as customarily used in business accounting.

Capital account makes it possible to determine the extent to which acquisitions less disposals of non-financial assets (gross fixed capital formation GFCF) were financed from savings and capital transfers.

The total output of the agricultural industry is made up of the sum of the output of agricultural products and of the goods and services produced in inseparable non-agricultural secondary activities.

Intermediate consumption represents the value of all products (different from fixed capital) as well as the value of market services consumed in the given period for the purpose of the production of other products and services. Intermediate consumption is defined as consumption of material, energy and other non-storable delivers in the framework of external purchasing, consumption of purchasing services, consumption of material, energy and other non-storable deliveries and service received from the affiliated kind-of-activity units, shortages and damages.

Value added is a balancing item and is calculated by a subtraction of intermediate consumption from production.

Gross fixed capital formation consists of expenditures on new capital goods or of other specific expenditures which the producers spent on goods and services in order to retain, increase or expand their production capacity or to create new production possibilities in the future.

Published data is the result of the statistical surveys of the SO SR.

/wps/portal/ext/themes/sectoral/agriculture/metadata Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Z6_Q7I8BB1A0GHU80INB0GG9L1KK7 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Statistics /Sectoral statistics /Agriculture, forestry, fisheries /Metadata