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Statistical Office SR
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12.05.2023 | | Number of views: 84538

Selected Indicators - Methodological notes

The production of the construction branch covers construction works conducted on the territory of the Slovak Republic and abroad by supplier construction enterprises with the major activity in the field of building and construction registered in the Slovak Republic (including tradesmen) and by construction establishment of non-construction enterprises. Predominating building and construction activity of the enterprise is determined by its registered appurtenance to divisions 41, 42, 43 of the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities SK NACE Rev.2 (if it is not reported otherwise). Data are presented in methodology and organization structure of the current year.

Monthly (preliminary) data

The SO SR collects data for enterprises registered in the Business Register or subsidized organizations from the monthly reports (Monthly report in construction Stav 1-12):

  • with 20 or more employees - exhaustively
  • with up to 19 employees
    • if their annual turnover reached EUR 5 million or more - exhaustively
    • if the annual turnover did not exceed EUR 5 million - selectively
  • Data for self-employed persons are estimated.

Monthly data of the last quarter are preliminary and are adjusted quarterly on the base of processing quarterly reports (Quarterly Report of Production Industries Prod3-04).

Annual (definitive) data

The SO SR releases annual definitive data approximately 9 months after the end of the reference period. It collects them from the data of annual statistical reports (Annual report of production industries in construction Roč Stav 1-01 and Annual report of production industries in small enterprises in construction Roč Stav 2-01).


Construction production includes construction in progress, reconstruction, extention and restoration, repairs and maintenance of constructions including construction assembly and the value of built-in material. All construction works that are mentioned in divisions 41, 42, 43 of the Statistical Classification of Products by Activity (CPA 2008) are included. Besides the supplying construction enterprises, construction work is conducted by non-construction organizations in frame of their own construction establishments. The supplier of construction works operates on the agreed range of construction activities by own construction capacities or with the assistance of construction subdeliveries of other construction or non- construction organizations as well carry out construction works as a subdelivery for other construction or non-construction companies. From this point of view, there is distinguishment between the value of construction production carried out by own employees and the value of contractually agreed construction production.

Construction production carried out by own employees comprises the value of construction production carried out by workers included in the registered number of employees of construction company as well as persons working with the enterprise upon contract at construction works (including productive work of apprentices). Besides construction work carried out for the direct contractors (purchasers), the value of construction production consists of works carried out for own new construction as well as for other suppliers of construction production including construction production carried out abroad.

Contractually agreed construction production includes the value of construction production conducted on the basis of delivery contracts including production performed by suppliers. Accordingly, it is the sum of all the performances (construction production) own and other (sub-suppliers), chargeable to a final customer by a supplier.

Construction production is divided by the Classification of types of constructions to production of residential buildings, non-residential buildings and civil engineering works.

Construction production at new construction including reconstruction and modernization connected with acquisition of new tangible fixed assets and with rebuilding, extension or reconstruction of existing ones.

Repairs and maintenance are the value of works conducted on existing buildings or construction parts of tangible fixed assets removing partial depreciation or damage by repairs to make them functional.

Other works comprises the construction production that cannot be include into new construction, reconstruction, modernization, repairs or maintenance. It includes, for example, construction works for geological survey, removing of mined earth carried out by suppliers and demolition works (on the site where another construction will not follow instead), etc.

Turnover include a value of turnover (in single accounting of receips) from the sale of the own products, services and trade goods, realised in the reference period and intended for domestic and foreign customers expressed without value added tax (VAT) and excise tax. The indicator is connected with accounts 601, 602 and 604.

Average number of employed persons includes average registered number of employees and self-employed persons.

Average registered number of employees represents the number of stable and temporary employees in each occupational or civil status to an organization (it includes also members of the cooperative on condition that the participation of their membership is conditioned by their occupational status in the cooperative enterprises), irrespective of their actual presence at work or their temporarily absence because of illness, holidays, etc., as well as employees who were not working, for example because of stoppage, strike, or lock-out. Employees having part-time job are included. Persons on maternity leave, apprentices and students performing operating practice are excluded.

Average nominal monthly wage consists of basic (tariff) wage set by wage rules including basic components of contracted wages and salaries for working overtime, compensation of wage for hours not worked, monthly and long-term bonuses paid according to performance and evaluation criteria, extra payments for working overtime, night work, work during Saturdays and Sundays, holidays, for environment damaging health, noise, risky and hard work, in-kind wages express in financial terms and other wage in the form of wage advantages whose level and periodicity are set in advance regardless of the situation in an enterprise.

Labour productivity is expressed as the amount of the construction production per one employee.


All published data are the result of yearly statistical surveys carried out by the Statistical Office of the SR (if it is not reported otherwise).

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