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19.11.2021 | | Number of views: 98776

Selected indicators - Methodological notes

Industry includes activities connected with mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply and water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities. Predominating industrial activity is determined by the registered pertinence of the organization to divisions as from 05 to 39 of the Classification of Economic Activities SK NACE Rev. 2.

Basic reporting unit is enterprise which submits the questionnaires for the establishment units.

The aggregate of industrial organizations covers:

    1. Industrial enterprises with number of employees 20 and more, registered in the Companies Register,
    2. Industrial enterprises with number of employees up to 19 (inclusive), registered in the Companies Register,
    3. Physical persons (private individuals) acting on the basis of small business authorization according to Act No. 455/1991.

There is a monthly estimation being carried out on the enterprises under items b. and c. on their conducted industrial activities, based on the results of previous periods and being revised regularly in three months' series as based on quarterly survey results.

Indexes are calculated based on data reported in prices of the current year after being converted by price deflators onto constant prices (December 2015 = 100).


Turnover includes value of sold products and services from own production, sales of goods, revenues from the orders and for real estate intended for sale for domestic and foreign customers. VAT and excise tax are excluded.

Turnover from own products and services include turnover from own products and services (account 601 and 602).

Average number of employed persons includes average registered number of employees and self-employed persons.

Average registered number of employees represents the number of stable and temporary employees in each occupational or civil status to an organization (it also includes members of the cooperative on the condition that the participation of their membership is conditioned by their occupational status in the cooperative enterprises), irrespective of their actual presence at work or their temporarily absence because of illness, holidays, military training, etc., as well as employees who were not working, for example because of stoppage, strikes, or lock-outs. Employees having part-time job are included. Women on maternity or additional maternity leave, persons practising military services (or compensatory civil services), apprentices and students performing operating practice are excluded.

Average gross nominal monthly wage consists of basic (tariff) wages set by wage rules including basic components of contracted wage and salaries for working overtime, compensation of wage for hours not worked, monthly and long-term bonuses paid according to performance and evaluation criteria, extra payments for working overtime, night work, work during Saturdays and Sundays, holidays, for environment damaging health, noise, risky and hard work, in-kind wages expressed in financial terms and other wages in the form of wage advantages whose level and periodicity are set in advance regardless of the situation in an enterprise.

Annual labour productivity based on turnover is expressed by volume of the turnover per employee in industry per month.

Gross output presents value of own products, good and services produced by domestic production unit in given period and also contains production which does not enter the market.

Output represents the value of own goods and services which are the result of the economic activity of the unit during the accounting period.

Intermediate consumption consists from services and goods of a short-term use which have been consumed or transformed by the production process within the accounting period.

Value added is a balancing item and is calculated by a subtraction of intermediate consumption from gross output.

Intangible investments presents whole values of intangible assets by acquisition of new intangible assets, purchase of used intangible assets, intangible asset produced by own activity and intangible goods provided by donation, transfered according to legal act or by transfer from personal use to business.

Tangible investments presents whole values of tangible assets by acquisition of new tangible assets, purchase of used tangible assets, tangible asset produced by own activity and tangible goods provided by donation, transfered according to legal act or by transfer from personal use to business.

Depreciation of tangible and intangible asset presents value of annual depreciation of tangible and intangible assets including written-down price of liquidated tangible assets, account 551.


All published data are the result of yearly statistical surveys carried out by the Statistical Office of the SR (if it is not reported otherwise).

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