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Statistical Office SR
Transport and storage
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Transport and storage

19.11.2021 | | Number of views: 82565

Selected Indicators - Methodological notes

Transport includes enterprises with transport as the prevailing activity carrying out the inland or international transport of goods and passengers including supporting and auxiliary activities in the transport (excluding travel agencies). Other land transport includes road transport, city transport and taxi.


Transport of goods expresses real mass of transported goods (load) realized by means of particular kind of transport by the communication. It is surveyed according to the commodity groups.

Performances in ton-kilometres present the value of total transported performances in ton-kilometres carried out by freight transport means of all kinds of transport (railway transport, transport of goods by road, inland waterway transport, air transport). They are calculated (tons x kilometres) for every journey individually.

Transported passengers present the total number of transported persons in national or international transport. A more detailed calculation of transported persons according to individual types of transport is given in the methodological sheet available for the pattern of statistical forms in the Metadata section.

Passenger-kilometres expresses the value of transport performances in passenger transport (railway transport, public and non-public road transport, city transport, inland waterway transport, air transport). One passenger-kilometre is equal to the transport of one person per 1 kilometre distance. A more detailed calculation of passenger-kilometers according to individual types of transport is given in the methodological sheet available for the pattern of statistical forms in the Metadata section.

Turnover includes all receipts from self-manufactured goods and services and receipts for goods, which are conducted by an enterprise for all its activities. Data are aggregated in accordance with main economic activity of enterprises and are without value added tax.

Average number of employed persons includes average registered number of employees and self-employed persons.

Average registered number of employees in natural persons includes permanent and temporary employees who have a contract of employment or service with the employing organisation regardless they were really at work or not, e.g. due to illness, recovery holidays etc. and also the employees who were not working e.g. due to work stoppage, strikes or disputes as well as part-time employees who had their working time not divided into each working day and the employees carried out the work only occasionally on call or by needs of organisation. Excluded are persons on maternity leave, apprentices and students in practice, private entrepreneurs and their associates, persons with the agreement on work performed outside an employment relationship.

Average nominal monthly wage includes an amount of wage expenditures, paid to own employees as a compensation for work or its recompensation on the basis of legal relationships (work, service or membership relation) to the employer. It is a gross wage, including legal or with employee agreed deductions.

Receipts for freight and passenger transport without VAT at current prices express revenues for provided services in transport for enterprises and tradesmen with transport as the main activity.

Length of railway lines means the length of continuous lines. Other transport and sidings lines are excluded.

Under road network are given the roads and motorways of nationwide importance (expressways, road I., II. and III. class) including their parts in cities and communities and local communications.

Data on motor vehicles contain trailers including caravans. They are considered a part of the vehicle but registered separately.

Road accident is a damage occurrence caused by the motion of a vehicle, which happened in road traffic and caused damage to lives, health, or property, with no regard to whether it will be prosecuted as a criminal offence and/or offence or it will be dealt with by a court or penal commission of the traffic inspectorate. Road accidents that happened in the places whose accession for traffic is limited (e.g. rural and forest roads, in factories, yards, etc.) are also included.

Average number of employed persons includes average registered number of employees and self-employed persons.

Average registered number of employees represents the number of stable and temporary employees in each occupational or civil status to an organization (it includes also members of the cooperative on condition that the participation of their membership is conditioned by their occupational status in the cooperative enterprises), irrespective of their actual presence at work or their temporarily absence because of illness, holidays, etc., as well as employees who were not working, for example because of stoppage, strike, or lock-out. Employees having part-time job are included. Persons on maternity leave, apprentices and students performing operating practice are excluded.

Source of data

All published data are the result of the statistical surveys of the Statistical Office of the SR, except data on the length of roads, number of motor vehicles and traffic road accidents, which are taken from the Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications of the SR and from the Ministry of Interior of the SR.

More information can be obtained in the Yearbook of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications and in the Yearbook of Transport and Environment.

/wps/portal/ext/themes/sectoral/transport/metadata Transport and storage Z6_VLP8BB1A0G7T10INNSUV8Q34E0 /Štatistický úrad SR - Home /Statistics /Sectoral statistics /Transport and storage /Metadata