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Changes in the availability of services of the Statistical Office of the SR in connection with an emergency situation
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Changes in the availability of services of the Statistical Office of the SR in connection with an emergency situation

Posledná aktualizácia: 29.03.2022 | Počet zobrazení: 411
Illustrated image - Covid
Vydavateľ: Statistical Office of the SR
Dátum publikovania: 28.05.2020

With regard to the announced emergency situation in the Slovak Republic and in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as to protect you and the employees of the SO SR, the Crisis Staff of the SO SR has gradually adopted the following measures in relation to public services (updated as of 20 March 2020):

  • the premises of all buildings of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic (in Bratislava and also in other cities) are closed to the public,
  • all visits are abolished and working meetings are reduced to minimum,
  • MAILROOM at the Central Office(Miletičova 3, Bratislava) is available for receiving letters and other deliveries in restricted time from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm,
  • PROVISION OF INFORMATION on products, business register and other SERVICES OF INFORMATION SERVICE are available:
  • The LIBRARY in the Central Office is closed to the public.


When addressing your requirements, please prefer electronic (e-mail) or written form of communication. The measures are valid until further notice and were adopted on the basis of the Government Resolution No 111/2020.

  • Vydal :

  • Štatistický úrad SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovenská republika
  • Informačný servis :

  • tel. +421 2 50 236 339
  • +421 2 50 236 335
  • e-mail:

Upozornenie: Pri uverejnení celej informatívnej správy alebo jej časti prosíme uviesť zdroj informácií Štatistický úrad Slovenskej republiky. Štatistický úrad SR tvorí kvalitné štatistiky užitočné pre spoločnosť podľa 16 zásad týkajúcich sa inštitucionálneho prostredia, štatistických procesov a výstupov podľa Kódexu postupov pre európsku štatistiku.

/wps/portal/ext/aboutus/office.activites/officeNews Changes in the availability of services of the Statistical Office of the SR in connection with an emergency situation Z6_Q7I8BB1A00MKC0I3IHQBAR1412 /Štatistický úrad SR - Úvodná stránka /O nás /Významné aktivity a udalosti /Detail správy