840 05 Bratislava 45
tel.: +421 2 50 236 222
Position | Name | Tel. number, e-mail format: firstname.lastname@statistics.sk |
President | Ing. Martin Nemky, MBA | +421 2 50 236 334
+421 2 55 425 802 |
Vice President | PhDr. Ľudmila Ivančíková, PhD. | +421 2 50 236 342
+421 2 50 236 790 |
Head of Civil Service Office | Ing. Pavol Kopačka | +421 2 50 236 515
+421 2 50 236 699 |
Director of the President´s Office | Mgr. Dominika Grivnová - commissioned | +421 2 50 236 106 |
Director of the the Strategy and Integrated Management System Department
Ing. Ivan Moncoľ | +421 2 50 236 453 |
Director of the Personnel Office | Mgr. Monika Bartovičová, MBA | +421 2 50 236 326 |
Director of the Operation Department | Ing. Ivica Janáčková | +421 2 50 236 490 |
Director of the Methodology, Registers and Coordination of the National Statistical System Directorate | Ing. Helena Glaser-Opitzová | +421 2 50 236 360 |
Director of the Information Systems Directorate | Ing. Ivan Petráš - commissioned | +421 2 50 236 262 |
Director of the Dissemination Directorate | Ing. Nikoleta Šlachtová | +421 2 50 236 408 |
Director of the Macroeconomic Statistics Directorate | Mgr. Alžbeta Ridzoňová | +421 2 50 236 522 |
Director of the Business Statistics Directorate | Ing. Libuša Kolesárová | +421 2 50 236 279 |
Director of the Social Statistics and Demography Directorate | RNDr. Zuzana Podmanická - commissioned
+421 2 50 236 770 |
Director of the Regional Office Trnava | Ing. Jela Gažová | +421 33 5511 775 |
Director of the Regional Office Trenčín | Ing. Pavol Arpáš | +421 32 7460 200 |
Director of the Regional Office Nitra | Ing. Renáta Dušová | +421 37 7752 200 |
Director of the Regional Office Žilina | Ing.Katarína Holienčíková - commissioned
+421 41 5113 201 |
Director of the Regional Office Banská Bystrica | Ing. Zlata Jakubovie, CSc. | +421 48 4323 258 |
Director of the Regional Office Prešov | Ing. Ján Kozoň, PhD. | +421 51 7735 311 |
Director of the Regional Office Košice | Ing. Iveta Ivasenková - commissioned
+421 55 6432 420 |