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Statistical Office SR
Turnover and capacities of accommodation establishments in the SR in the 4th quarter and in 2023
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Turnover and capacities of accommodation establishments in the SR in the 4th quarter and in 2023

Last update: 22.02.2024 | Number of views: 1487
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Publisher: Statistical Office of the SR
Topic: Sectoral statistics
Domain: Tourism
Publish Date: 22.02.2024

The turnover of hoteliers and accommodation providers achieved last year over EUR 0,5 billion, more than a third of which was paid by foreigners

Turnover of accommodation providers rose dynamically in 2023, the sector tried to overcome the three-year slumps caused by the pandemic. Three out of Slovakia's eight regions achieved turnover of over EUR 110 million. Almost two-thirds of the total turnover was paid by domestic guests and a third by foreigners.

During the year 2023, accommodation establishments in the SR achieved turnover in the amount of almost EUR 563 million without value added tax (VAT), representing a year-on-year increase by 30%. The industry achieved a dynamic growth mainly due to the fact that after three years of slumps, visitors and turnover started to return to their pre-pandemic condition.

The highest turnover was achieved by accommodation establishments in the most important regions for tourism, namely in Žilinský kraj (EUR 122 million), Bratislavský kraj (EUR 119 million) and Prešovský kraj (EUR 117 million). The dynamics of year-on-year turnover growth in the regions ranged from 19% to 41%. Comparison of the development of turnover in 2023 in a long time series is only possible to a limited extent, until the end of 2020, turnover was reported using a different methodology - including VAT.

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In 2023, foreign visitors paid EUR 217 million to accommodation providers, and their share in total turnover reached 38.6%. It was still a lower share than in the pre-pandemic years. The highest turnover of foreigners, EUR 78 million, was recorded by Bratislavský kraj. Thus in the region around the capital, foreigners represented up to 66% of the annual turnover of hotels and other accommodation providers. In the other regions, visitors from outside the borders generated less than 50% of turnover.

In total, in the last, 4th quarter of 2023, accommodation providers recorded turnover of EUR 127 million (excluding VAT), which was by 20% more than in the corresponding period in 2022. Two thirds of turnover was generated by domestic visitors. The highest turnover was achieved by accommodation establishments in Prešovský, Žilinský and Banskobystrický kraj. Together, these three regions represented almost two thirds of the total turnover of domestic accommodation providers in the SR.

Development of the capacities of accommodation establishments

A total of 4 447 accommodation establishments provided accommodation services in Slovakia in the 4th quarter, which is by 244 accommodation establishments more than in 2022. 67 000 bedrooms and 182 000 bed places (including camping grounds) were available to the visitors. The net occupancy rate of permanent bed places was 23.5% in the fourth quarter, the occupancy rate of rooms 29.6%. All accommodation establishments open at least one day in the monitored period are included. In the reference period, an average of 59 000 bedrooms per day were available with an average number of 136 000 permanent bed places.

A total of 5 031 accommodation establishments provided accommodation services in Slovakia during 2023, which was by 202 more than in 2022. 79 000 bedrooms and 230 000 bed places (including camping grounds) were available to visitors. Net occupancy rate of permanent beds places reached 28.5%, occupancy rate of rooms 33.6%. The average number of bedrooms available per day was 62 000, the average number of permanent bed places available per day was 143 000.

Note: The statistics of accommodation establishments contain data from all legal entities and natural persons with an assigned ID number, which are kept in the Register of Accommodation Establishments of the SOSR and provide temporary accommodation to tourism visitors.

Source od data database DATAcube.:

Quarterly data – year-on-year comparison (the corresponding period of the last year = 100):

Quarterly data (new):

At the same time, the SOSR updated the extended quarterly tourism data in the DATAcube. database in chapter 4 – Sectoral statistics/4.5 – Tourism/4.5.1 – Statistics of accommodation establishments/ – Quarterly data. They contain indicators on number of visitors, turnover and capacities of accommodation establishments in the SR, including new indicators, such as average number of available bedrooms, net occupancy rate of bedrooms, etc. The data are available at the level of the SR, regions and, now, also at the level of districts and municipalities for the period 2017 to 2022.

Annual data on capacities [cr2001rs] contain selected data on accommodation classifications (number of AEs and beds) as of December 31 of the year, which is a different data from "capacity to dispositions" presented in quarterly statistics. In the quarterly tables there are new indicators - "the number of AEs, beds and rooms available", including establishments that were open (were available) for at least one day in the given period.

  • Issued by :

  • Statistical Office of the SR
  • Lamačská cesta 3/C
  • 840 05 Bratislava 45
  • Slovak Republic
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